Event Lighting Hire in Northampton

Event Lighting Hire in Northampton

A Guide to Event Lighting Hire in Northampton

Planning a corporate conference, gala dinner, or business awards ceremony? Where does ‘event lighting’ appear on your ‘to do’ list? If it’s lingering below the helium balloons hire, make a switch. Move it up to a priority position, right now. Why? Lighting is key to the experience your guests/delegates will have. Success, or otherwise, could come down to the lighting you choose.

The team at Red Occasions sees the difference lighting can make to the mood, impact and feel of big occasions every day. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to event lighting hire in Northampton. We hope it’s helpful to you.

Planning Your Lighting

Lighting design involves the use of different kinds of lights, effects and colours. There are a number of functions it fulfils, from illuminating speakers, to making participants feel special, to heightening the energy of the event. It’s important, therefore, to know what is available for your lighting design, and which lights to hire for your event.

1. Stage or Colour Washes

These are the lights that fill the space, or the stage with light. They can be plain white or reflect your corporate colour scheme. A colour wash can help to draw focus to a particular area in an exhibition hall, or it can signal to the audience that the event is about to begin.

2. Spotlights

Lighting conference speakers with a spotlight helps delegates to hear them more clearly. It sounds like an absurd proposition, but it’s true. The clarity and focus that a spotlight offers, aids concentration. Being ‘in the spotlight’ can also make you feel like a star if you’re picking up an award.

3. Uplighters

These are lights that are placed at ground level, with the light angled upwards to illumine a corporate banner, an image gallery or event signage. They come in a range of colours that can reflect your corporate colour scheme, or simply lift the atmosphere in the space you’re using.

4. Lighting Effects

We’ve come up with 3 examples you might be tempted by for your event:

  • Light Show. This is a sequence of flashing spotlights, wall patterns and uplighters which move around the space. They raise energy and indicate something special is about to happen.
  • Pin Lights. These are suspended above tables and help to create the overall design of a dining area. The lights can pick out a centrepiece or change colour and shape at regular intervals.
  • Gobos. These provide patterns that play across walls, tables or staging features. You may want to use a gobo to beam your logo across the space in your company colours.

How Can Red Occasions Help?

The Red Occasions warehouse is filled with all the lighting kit you need to make your event a memorable experience. Tell us about your ideas for the event and we can offer guidance and advice on the kind of lighting and colours that would work best for you. If you’re worried about setting up your lighting, we can deliver your rig, install it and operate it, then take it down at the end of the event

About Working With Red Occasions

Red Occasions is based in Milton Keynes but we’re regular visitors to Northamptonshire. Most recently we supported Northampton University’s graduation events at the legendary All Saints rugby ground. Whether you’re an experienced technician, or you’re planning your first corporate event, the Red Occasions team is excited to work with you.

Would you like to talk to a member of the Red Occasions team about the support we can offer for your corporate event in Northampton? Call us today on 01234 430368.